Mobile Mapping.
Taro Communications, acknowledged as a significant trailblazer in FTTX fiber-to-the-premise design, successfully demonstrates its prowess every day, in leveraging the full potential of our Mobile Mapping LiDAR and proprietary GIS design technologies, along with automation and AI components to tie it all together. Our consistent delivery of reliable, cost-effective, and scalable solutions has played a pivotal role in transforming numerous telecommunication landscapes and completing projects for our clients in record timing.
Our objective is to drive citywide and statewide for our clients to collect 2 million data points per second at normal vehicle speeds for physical address collection, power pole information, pothole detection and many other telecommunications and design engineering requirements through the innovative use of LiDAR technology from Taro Communications.
The attributes below are just some of the items that can be chosen and collected from Taro Communications’ LiDAR Mobile Mapping division. At pre-project kick off, telecommunications and government municipalities can choose from our a la carte menu based on the scope of work and what is desired to be collected. Using LiDAR and Imagery technology this allows for faster assessments at much lower costs.